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Mountain View, CA 94041USA
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Operational Support

Transitioning to a clean maritime future in a dynamic, rapidly evolving sector will be exciting and challenging, we can help to develop an approach which enables your business and workforce to progress successfully through these changes. 


  • Change Management 

The introduction of clean maritime solutions can be challenging for a business, it is important to bring your teams with you as you progress to achieve the aims of your clean maritime strategy. Some may see the change as a threat, “their skills will no longer be required” “I don’t understand the new systems/equipment.”  People worry about how it may affect them; it is vital to engage and support your workforce during this significant change, it could be as simple as engaging with them at an early stage so that the teams understand what is happening and how it affects them.  

There will be training needs, some reorganisation may be required, will external support be required? 


  • Training and Support 

There will be a requirement for training personnel to be competent and engaged with the Operation, Maintenance and Repair of newly installed systems.  

Operational Training 

For those operating vessels as Master, Crew or Engineers there will be a requirement to develop competency from a practical perspective and in many cases to fulfil the requirements of regulatory authorities, the ISM code breaks the requirements down into three main categories: 

  1. Safety of people on board
  2. Safety of the ship and cargo
  3. Safety of environment 

We can support you in ensuring that the safety of people on board is met through the development of a competence framework to meet your needs. We can develop appropriate training packages for your personnel and arrange delivery of bespoke training for full electric, hybrid electric, hydrogen or other systems to ensure that your operation meets the regulatory requirements and that your operators are competent and confident in the operation of your vessels/systems. 

For Engineers and maintenance personnel, there may be a higher level of competence required. We can assist here by the provision of appropriate levels of training to meet your needs.  

We have worked closely with the MCA and Lloyds to develop courses that can gain recognition to meet the needs of ISM or similar codes. We have experience working alongside training providers to ensure that your needs are identified and met.